December 30, 2009

HearSay vs. Fate Lions & Bowie/Presley Action Day

HearSay, that cloaked and unknowable friend/foe of all things Fort Worth music (at least when it comes to the FW Weekly press coverage) has the audacity (good taste) to include one of our humble efforts (in your face rock effluvia) in among a slew of his/her favorite local artists. Check it HERE. Thanks for the love you shadowy music fiend.

In other FL news, we have two great shows coming up in the metroplex on Jan. 8th (Elvis & Bowie's Birthday) in Dallas w/My Life On Film and Sloan Automatic, then Jan. 9th at The Grotto (Yay!) in Fort Worth w/Great American Novel & Stoogeaphilia. So once you flex your party muscles this weekend with that annual New Years thang, get yourself rested and ready to rock it at the Fate Lions show(s) nearest you! Check the Google calendar below for all upcoming Fate Lions events.

Still haven't got the record? Slide on over to and download it 'name your price' style, no minimum. No one turned away, ever. Share, share, share! If we haven't gotten onto your stereo life begins to gray and shrivel, leaving us empty and conservative. 'Oh the agony'.

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