February 23, 2010

Fate Lions and KDGE at Trees

Here are some of the details surrounding the show this Thursday at Trees. It would be great seeing you there. I know it's a school night but it would still be cool.

Here's the email we received from the lovely Mark at KDGE:
"Fans can now vote online at http://www.kdge.com/pages/local/
They can vote as many times as they'd like. Online voting ends at 6p on Thursday. After that, the only way to vote is at Trees. Each vote placed at Trees counts as 100 votes. So bring your people out! Band that gets the most votes moves onto the second round in March (which will be online voting). An opener for Edgefest will be decided at Trees on April 1.
Load in and sound check at Trees is 5p. Doors at 7. No cover. Here's the lineup one more time:
8p: Johnny Lloyd Rollins
9p: Andrew Tinker
10p: The Slack
11p: Fate Lions
This is the last show of the first round and next to last show overall. Let's make it a big one. If you need anything else from me, just let me know.

Host, The Local Edge - Sundays at 11p
Saturdays: 6a-9a I Sundays: 6p-8p
102.1 The Edge"
So did you get all that about being able to vote as many times as you'd like? Nice.
If you haven't already checked out the record stream it in it's entirety here: http://fatelions.bandcamp.com or at www.soundcloud.com/fatelions. FREE downloads are available from both sites.
Stay Groovy!

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